Page 15 - Excerpts from the diary
P. 15

Just our tanks went forward. The infantry comes. Everywhere ruptures of shells. We fired, but now we do not
           conduct yet  not to strike. The artillery broke off also the smoke which covered all earth from eyes dissipates. The
           infantry advanced to the attack. Aircraft the rumble does not stop. It well works for us today if not this negligent
           pilot who dropped bombs on us.
           Savostin much from himself puts and today even dared to tell: 'I order making so and so'. But I told, as I do not
           want to listen to him. But when fired,  I conceded to him, let orders! In fight the one-man management is
           Sokolov and Zapryagaylo with the second platoon in other place  here all mortars could not be located. The
           opponent fires at all territory and it is impossible to find on all our site of the live place free from funnels. I even
           am surprised how he, the German, did not find us here. We are helped by the village, all mines and shells fly to
           the village that meters in a hundred behind us is located. Only separate falling shorts and accidental mines and
           shells fall close  in 4050 meters, and even absolutely nearby (in 510 meters) from our positions.
           Here and now, amicably howl and are torn with squeal of a mine of sixbarreled mortars of the enemy, it is
           absolutely close and walls of a dugout shiver every time and are showered.

           Now I wrote 5 letters: to mother, the family to Magnitogorsk, the father, the aunt Ania, the uncle Luce.
           I am in the dugout which independently dug and equipped. Since some time I manage to get boards and sticks
           on overlapping also I though everywhere we stand no more than 23 days, began to dig trenches more deeply and
           is more spacious. And then to cover from above. Very narrow and I in general get out doors above my dugout
           only when demand public and military interests. And, so I sit more here, absolutely undressed  without
           overcoat,  here it is not cold.
           Louses tortured me too. Their such weight and all of them such small that though I also do every day audit at
           myself in linen, destroying them in thousands, the next day again is a lot of them and again they gnaw my body.
           Worms too small, but because of them I am forced to consume a lot of food, but always to be hungry  they devour
           my food in a stomach, these little white worms. I brought them garlic and onions, but also did not refuse sweets
           and vegetables, and did not remove.
           Dugout at me soft  I laid herbs much here, made in a wall a niche for candles, and for yesterday's night to burn
           five German wax bulbs boxes. There was one. Now it is not necessary to read at night.
           At legs in a corner I made like the bathroom  a pole. And at night not to leave under bullets (shells happens not so
           much), I recover on small affairs there and also I throw out any garbage there.
           I do not know news today, but, speak, took «Pyatikhatki»  big trophies and prisoners. I will read itself, I will
           judge then it.
           In a platoon at me 14 people. assistant platoon commander at me semiliterate, apparently, ended 4 classes. But all
           this does not prevent him to be the commander. He is a sergeant, obviously, not for the first time assistant platoon
           commander and feels among the administration and subordinates firmly. Seldom responds to my call even, often
           waves away a hand as if does not hear. It is necessary to shout long while he comes. Strong shouts at
           subordinates, those listen to him also calculation his the best in a platoon. He is the company commander's pupil.
           That made him the mortar, gave the rank and always with delight speaks of him. Lopatin wears two medals (for
           courage and labor valor)  and everything he received from Sokolov. So he executive, only, if is in due time when
           his name is.
           In general, all are spoiled and undisciplined here. Both fighters and commanders. In all company and also arrive
           when the commander calls them.
           Makhov graduated from HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, but the fighter. The person is extremely nasty,
           foully and impudent. He highly thinks of himself and is insolent. Today, when I began to demand the bread (it
           appeared at Makhov), that told that he did not know whose it is bread and broke off a crust, having eaten
           it. When he showed a portion  there was no more than a half of bread. I refused to take bread, then he took out
           other half of bread and gave.
           Fighters some are that. Difficult with Swing, but there is still Karlov. That absolutely is indifferent to everything
           and, despite the age, is extremely slow (he is the 25th years). Mortar business does not take root in any way to it
           though he ended 4 classes  and such education a rarity in my platoon. All 23 classes, only one  HIGHER
           EDUCATION INSTITUTION, Unsociable persons  9 classes.
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