Page 5 - Excerpts from the diary
P. 5

Get up, Volodya, mines already close explode,  he me after each rupture of an enemy shell frightened bothered
           and lost.
           In the evening I went on a dinner and till 12 in the night expected until brought it. Haustov remained to guard a
           mortar with mines and our personal property. Came  he sleeps.
            Get up, Haustov! Haustov, wake up!
           Gets out.
            You what, companion Haustov, you sleep when on you protection of a military property lies? You not in the
            It was taken a nap,  answers,  there is a wish to sleep too.
            And you remember what you created when I offered once, being in the back, to go to the closest lodge to spend
           the night with a mortar and personal belongings? 'It is impossible to go. You want to sleep what commander from
           you. Yes you though shoot me, and I will not go. And suddenly on combat readiness the mortar should be
           put' Haustov, I said to you, we in the back, by order of we will always manage to prepare everything, and the
           lodge that was in only several meters from us. No, you insisted on the, you wanted, as well as now, to do
           everything not as I speak. We spent night to a rain and dampness while other offices and even battalion
           detachment headed by lieutenants, were placed on apartments. You told: 'Let awaking so. You kick now, and
           I a wake you when to me too to sleep it wants'. And I laid down. But I did not manage even to take a nap as you
           woke me:  'Get up Volodya, already dawns'  and I stood till the morning though it was woken by you at the
           beginning of night  hours at us were not and you used it. And now, when we on the advanced front line, you dare
           to sleep and for it really to shoot a little!
           Then he answered nothing. At night, we should stop digging a trench because it was impossible to make in the
           afternoon it as our position was on the open area and was under observation of the enemy.
           Until we ate and prepared was not earlier than one o'clock in the morning. Not to rush with a mortar and with
           mines, etc. property, I offered him one or the other: or I that went to dig a trench (there it was necessary only
           straightening a little and to disguise) and it remained to guard our tent, or on the contrary.
            I will go,  he told,  but immediately got on backsliding,  and though  you go, no, it is necessary to go together.
           One I will not go!
            Then I will go, and you sit,  and so he did not agree.
            So,  he said,  both of us will do nothing. One will be sleep, another to twirl by a shovel. Both should go.
            Then it is good, take trays with mines, I am a mortar and let's go, at last!
            I will not carry them. It is necessary to leave them here, and to take only a ware bag, a rifle and a gas mask.
           Long it was necessary to ask him, to persuade before he agreed with me. He went to dig, I remained to protect a
           In half an hour returned, reported that everything is ready. He was going to sleep to lay down. But Kuznetsov  the
           fighter of the next office came, to call him at breakfast. He wanted to shift to me also here: said that he worked
           and was tired also other. I explained to him that at supper when I left  he slept, all day he slept, and I for a minute
           did not fall asleep.
            Who is guilty to you that you did not sleep? It was necessary to sleep when I dug. And in the afternoon I am not
           guilty too, it was necessary to sleep.
            So, it was necessary to wake you and most to lay down?
            Why to awake? Would go to sleep also everything, and not to awake me.
           Difficultly to come to an agreement with him. But this time at supper he went. Ate. Already was light. I began to
           keep within and suggested him to wake me in two hours, and most to lay down.
            No, not to be on yours! You get up, and I will sleep!
           Well, I think, I will look how many at him conscience is. Already about three hours, and he everything sleeps.
           Rose to smoke at 12 o'clock.
            Well, Haustov, got enough sleep?
            No, I will sleep still.
            And I do not need to sleep? Egoist you, Haustov, and unscrupulous person!
           He answered nothing, began to walk near our tent.
            Yes, you go to bed, at last, or I will lay down,... went. Laid down somewhere aside, lay down, smoked, passed
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