Page 8 - Excerpts from the diary
P. 8
Just rose. Long time lay, turned over with a side sideways in hope to fall asleep, but it is vain. Flies and other
rubbish do not allow falling asleep bite till it bleeds.
There arrived riding in the morning, brought flasks (4) and warm linen. Wrote and transmitted through him letters
to Astrakhan (two), Magnitogorsk, Central Asia, Pps 1532, the central forwarding bureau of Moscow, to
Leningrad, to the uncle Vasily and to Derbent.
You are tired to stand on observant because the heat still strong and the sun smothers. I will have tea now daily
irrespective of there will be a sugar or not Gorshkov, receiving, said: quite seriously (and I am sure, so he also
made) 'I will distribute to all on halfmugs, and to myself I will take away the rest'. Eh, he strikes me. I would
expose someone [...]... People are recommended for a decoration. For what? And nobody at us knows it. Were
pleasant to the political leader here the answer.
Already the sun set. It is time to finish. Days are short very much now and you do not manage to grasp for them.
? The 2nd X.
They say that today ΙХ\27, but I still definitely do not know. From the aunt Ania received with the foreman the
letter (the second, for all the time of stay in army). Sent a clean card for the answer (I wrote it once that there is no
paper). The answer wrote now, but the foreman already left. I will send tomorrow. I and so transferred him
already four letters: to mother, the aunt Ania, to Derbent and PPS? 1532.
Shot at night. Released two mines with a charge '5'. In the morning about the day stayed on the observation post.
Firefight did not cease very long. Ours promoted, it is obvious because Germans shot already between a lodge
and the shed in the middle and to the right from there. Our artillery set fire to this long shed that was away from
the village together with it and still other lodge. Ours set fire to that lodge earlier. Now there was only one lodge.
The shed burned down completely. Saw Germans of two people on that side of the lake who moved two hardly
noticeable dots. I shot and they disappeared.
Now rather prophetic. Ruined me finally, robbed. Of course here not without political leader and, it is more of
that, he is the main instigator or rather the only person capable and, really, made this bad business. Climbed at
me everywhere and plunder was result of search or, politely being expressed, confiscation of the following things:
kettle which long since was pleasant to the junior political leader, two pieces of soap, two boxes of matches, one
pair of underwear and pants. A compass which only was an indicator (external) of my equality among lieutenants
and other company commanders and, the main thing the literary material making for me the only joy, the only
sphere into which I could plunge entirely, forgetting for a while all bitterness and a burden of my army life. 1.
'The French literature' big, detailed article from history (I do not remember precisely what) centuries. Literary
magazines or, as them there 'Notes of academy of Sciences' very valuable magazine with the richest
bibliographic material. Good number's of the «Krasnaya Nov» and «Novy mir» magazines, exclusively valuable
library materials from newspapers, especially old, in 34-35 years and so forth. Journal articles and also some
books about writers and literature. An inkwell with purely green ink which I before it sealed still sealing wax and
still a lot of things, much about what you will not remember. There were there two more newspapers in which it
was written about my political information and conversations as the propagandist.
In effect, I did not lead discussions under such heading and did not raise in a talk this question, unless except 'A
fighting leaf' anywhere: 'Conversations about fighting traditions of the part' article of the author whose surname I
forgot so stated. But that is I made propaganda for a company much. Conversations, readings and information
carried out much more (I will tell, without bragging), than other propagandists and, perhaps, it is better than
others. Therefore, it was pleasant to me to have these newspapers, I felt that in them though my work ungrateful
until then is somewhat noted.
When a note was published the political leader called up me to himself, gave me two copies (for example, he
gave to Gorshkov three copies) and said: 'You see how I care for you. This article is written on the basis of my
political reports, see how I note your work, and you, ungrateful, and newspapers do not release daily and is