Page 45 - Excerpts from the diary
P. 45

restrained and, smiling, definitely noticed nothing, after all threw a piece to fat in a frying pan that forced the
           German to close eyes and to sigh.
           Began to wash the himself brought with itself,  she asked. Cut off a piece,  she grasped it with all fingers again
           and held strong, precisely being afraid that did not escape. When ate, I suggested all to drink to tea. The old
           woman assured that she has no she to either tea, or coffee. I had a cocoa. Gave her all tile, and she hid her again,
           having broken off in a teapot, on the greed, slightly noticeable «breast». I laid out honey, treated the little sister
           Margot, then offered her. She refused. Then mother cynically ordered  'Take it, why you refuse?! You are sorry?!'
           And me it became ashamed for itself that I came to this house and was humiliated prior to a tea drinking with the
           old scoundrel even if mother of the beautiful girl.
           But I continued to constrain myself and to persuade (however, especially it was not necessary to persuade) to
           drink Margot to tea. Gave her a spoon honey. She ate at once and drank cocoa already unsweetened. I asked her
           why she so does, but mother did not allow her to answer and behind the back whispered: 'Still, still'.
           She ate two, three spoons, and again had tea without sugar. It revolted me especially as I felt that she does all this
           purposely to please mother, and to eat to more honey.
           And the old woman tried not to offend herself too. She grabbed a big tablespoon and gathered full, having
           devastated one reception.
           Then, when the meal terminated, I asked about shoulder straps  whether it is possible to sheathe them red edgings,
           but received the undeserved answer that now is once  there is a lot of work.
            Well,  I concluded,  I will carry to the master tobacco, and that to me will perform this work to the middle of day.


           From the assistant to the chief
           transport department
           lieutenant V.N. Gelfand.

           To the chief of Base mat. and obor.
           To the major Skorkin

           Official report.

           I ask to pay your attention that I am absolutely deprived of winter regimental, is forced to wear in the conditions
           of winter the German raincoat, a jacket back from the German material acquired at own expense, old boots and
           summer wide trousers.
           AHCh of Base, acting through the chief first lieutenant Smirnov, refuses flatly to give me regimental for that
           simple reason that on my ware certificate there is one correction in the column of summer regimental made that
           part in which I received it and not subject more to delivery to me till summer as term socks is intended for a
           certain period of time.
           Repeatedly I received offensive instructions concerning my form. Even the cold rubberized raincoat now abroad
           cannot be worn as thereby in full view of foreigners the form established in the Red Army is distorted by me.
           Crew PNSh1 wanted to arrest me twice and once publicly forced to leave officer club.
           Proceeding from it, I ask your application about providing me winter regimental and also granting a twoday
           holiday to me to the district of Potsdam where 27 OPros, behind the ware book which remained instead of the
           ware certificate issued to me there are deployed.


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