the end with a step majestically Russian war, liberating the occupied
Germans and their satellites of the Soviet countryside and pursuing the
retreating enemy army ran across the reddish municipal borders of the
USSR. From now begun its triumphant way for Europe — and
those 6 years of languishing under the Nazi occupation, and those who
have spoken in this war ally of the III Reich, and most areas of Nazi
Germany. During this promotion to the West and the inevitable various
contacts with the local population, Russian servicemen had never
happens outside their own country, have received a lot of new, very
contradictory memories of the members of other nations and cultures, of
which evolved in the upcoming ethnopsychological stereotypes of them
Europeans . In the middle of these memories important place occupied by
the images of European ladies. Mentions, and even detailed stories
about them can be found in the letters and diaries, memoirs on the
pages of many participants in the war, where most of the alternate
lyric and mercantile evaluation and intonation.
The first European country in which in August 1944 entered Reddish Army, was Romania. In "Notes on the War" war poet Boris Slutsky, we find a very frank line: "A sudden, almost collide at sea, reveals Constanta. It is almost identical to the average dream of happiness and the "post-war". Restaurants. Bathrooms. Bed linen with an unblemished. Stalls with reptilian traders. And — ladies dressed ladies of the town — girls in Europe — the first tribute, taken us to the losers … "[1] Then he describes his first memories of" abroad ":" European hair salons, where lather your fingers and do not wash the brushes, lack of baths, washing of the pelvis, "which at first gryazyuka with it remains, and later face wash", duvets instead of blankets — out of disgust caused by everyday life, made immediate generalization … In Constanta we first met the brothels … first of our ecstasies before the fact of the existence of free love pass swiftly. Affects not only the horror of infection before and overhead, and contempt for the very ability to buy … Many people were proud of true stories such as: Romanian husband complained to the commandant that our officer has not paid his wife concerted half thousand lei. We all had a clear conscience: "It Can not Happen" … For sure, our soldiers will be remembered as the country of Romania syphilitic … "[2]. And concludes that it is in Romania, this European backwater, "our fighter is most felt his elevation over Europe" [3].
Another Russian officer, Air Force Lt. Col. Theodore Smolnikov September 17, 1944 wrote in his diary recollections of Bucharest, "Ambassador Hotel, restaurant, first floor. I can see how the audience walks idle, it has nothing to do, she waits. Staring at me as unique. "Russian officer!" I'm very shy dressed, more than timid. Let them. We'll still be in Budapest. This is as well as what I have in Bucharest. The upscale restaurant. The audience dressed, most beautiful Romanian woman climb eyes defiantly {Here and further highlighted the creator of Article}. We spend the night in an upscale hotel. Seething streets of the capital. There is no music, the audience expects. The capital, devil take it! I will not give in advertising … "[4]
In Hungary, the Russian army faced not only with the armed opposition, and with the dangerous blows to the back part of the population when 'killed on farms and intoxicated individuals stragglers "and drowned in silos. But "women are not so perverse as Romanian woman gave way easily to be ashamed of … A little love, a little debauchery, and most of all, of course, has promoted fear" [5]. Citing the words of the 1st Hungarian lawyer, "Very well, so that the Russian adore children. Too bad they are so adored by women, "Boris Slutsky says:" It does not take into account that women also adored the Russian Hungarian, which, together with the dark horror Spreading knees matrons and mothers of families were desperate affection and tenderness of women soldiers', to give the killers their husbands "[6].
Gregory wins and in his own memoirs, described such a case in Hungary. His unit is housed in one location. Owners of the house, where he placed himself with the soldiers, during a party "under the influence of Russian vodka relaxed and admitted that they are hiding in the attic of his daughter." Russian officers were indignant: "Who do you think we are? We are not fascists! ". "The owners were ashamed, and soon the table appeared gaunt girl named Marika, who grudgingly accepted to food. Later, the master, she began to flirt and even ask us questions … By the end of dinner, all were set up favorably and drank "borotshaz" (friendship). Marika realized that toast really very straightforward. When we went to bed, she came into my room at the bottom of a shirt. I am a Russian officer immediately realized: preparing a provocation. "They expect me to stumble on beauty Marika, and would lift noise. But I will not give in to provocation "- I thought about it. What a beauty Marika did not entice me — I showed her the door.
On the subsequent morning hostess, putting food on the table, crockery rattled. "Nervous. Failed provocation "- I loaf. I shared this idea with our Hungarian translator. He burst out laughing.
- It's not a provocation! For you have expressed a friendly accommodation, and you ignored them. Now you in this house for a man not think so. For you have to cross to another apartment!
- And what are they hiding in the attic of a daughter?
- They feared violence. We decided that the woman, before enter into marriage with the approval of the parents can experience intimacy with many men. We said: cat in a bag tied in no gain … "[7]
In young, healthy on a physical level, the guys had
a natural attraction to the ladies. But the ease of the European
character of any of corrupting the Russian fighters, and anyone,
however, assured that the matter should not be limited to the normal
physiology. Sergeant Alexander Rodin recorded his memories of visiting
— out of curiosity! — Public house in Budapest,
where he was part of for a while after the war: "… After
leaving there was vile, shameful feeling of heresy and hypocrisy, the
head of the pattern was not obvious, outright hypocrisy ladies
… It is interesting that a similar nasty aftertaste of the
public visiting the house was not just me, a young boy, brought up to
the same on the principles of the "do not give a kiss without love, and
most of our soldier, who had to talk … At about the same
days are I had to talk to one krasivenko Magyar (she somehow knew the
Russian language). When she asked whether I liked in Budapest, I
replied that I liked, but that's confused public house.
"But — why?" — Asked the woman. Since it is not
natural, wild, — explained to me: — a woman takes
money, and after that, here he begins to "love!" Woman loaf some time
later nodded and said, "You're right: to take money ahead ugly"
… "[8]
Other memories left about yourself Poland. According to the poet David Samoilov, "… in Poland kept us in severity. From the location of escape was difficult. A prank angrily punished "[9]. And this brings memories of the country, where the only positive thing acted beauty of Polish women. "I can not say that Poland is very attracted to us — he wrote. — Then it did not occur to me nothing noble and chivalrous. On the contrary, it was middle-class, Khutoryanskaya — and the concepts and interests. Oh, and for us in eastern Poland and poluvrazhdebno watched warily, trying to grab as liberators, that can be. In general, ladies were beautiful and comforting flirtatious, they captivated us manners, speech coo, where everything suddenly became clear, and bringing into captivity themselves sometimes gruff male power or a soldier's uniform. And palely emaciated their former fans, gritting his teeth, until the time left in the shade … "[10].
But not all of the estimates of the Polish ladies looked so romantic. October 22, 1944 Lieutenant Vladimir Gelfand wrote in his diary: "In the distance loomed I left the city with the Polish title [Vladov] with beautiful Polish girl, proud to disgust. … I knew of Polish women: those lured our soldiers and officers in his arms, and when it came to bed, cut off the penises razor, strangled her hands behind larynx, scratched eye. Crazy, wild, nasty female! With them, you have to be careful and not get carried away by their beauty. A Polish woman beautiful merzavki "[11]. In general, there is in his writings and other mood. October 24, he captures such a meeting, "Today I companions to one of the villages were beautiful Polish woman-girl. They complained about the lack of women in Poland. Also called me a "Pan", but were inviolable. I am one of them patted gently on the shoulder, in response to her remark about the peasants, and comforted the idea of an open road for her in Russia — there are a lot of de Man. She hurried back to the side and said to my words, that here a man for her there. Goodbye handshake. So we have agreed and nice girl, though Polechka "[12]. A month later, on November 22, he recorded his memories of the first to meet him large Polish town of Minsk Mazowiecki, and in the midst of building the description of the beauty of it and hit the bike in all categories of the population pays special place townswomen: "Noisy idle weight, ladies, as one, in particular white-caps, apparently worn by the wind, which makes them similar to the 40 and hit his own novel. Men in the triangular hats in hats — thick, cautious, empty. How many of them! … Painted lips, penciled eyebrows, affectation, excessive delicacy. As it does not look like the natural life of a human. It seems that people will live and move specifically only for the sake of them looked at the others, and all will be lost when the last of the town will take the viewer … "[13]
Not only Polish city woman, and rural women left about yourself strong, yet contradictory memory. "Amazed joyous Poles who survived the war and fears of German occupation, — says Alexander Rodin. — Sunday day in the Polish countryside. Beautiful, stylish, dresses in silk stockings and women polka, which in everyday life — ordinary peasant woman, shoveling manure, barefoot, tirelessly working on the farm. Older ladies also look fresh and young. Although there is a dark border around the eyes …"[14] Then he quotes his diary entry of November 5, 1944:" Sunday, residents of all spick and span. Going to each other's homes. The men in fedoras hats, ties, jumpers. Ladies in silk dresses, the brightest, unworn stockings. Cheeked girl — "Panenka". Perfectly curled blonde hair … The fighters in the corner of the hut too busy. But who are astute will see that it is — a painful recovery. All raised loudly laugh, to show that they transcend it even does not hurt and is not jealous in any way. And what we are worse than them? Hell knows what happiness it — a peaceful life! It is absolutely not beheld it in the civilian world! "[15] His brother-sergeant Nikolai Nesterov on the same day wrote in his diary:" Today is a day off, Poles, well-dressed, going to the same hut and sits couples. Even as something not for yourself becomes. Did not I would be able to sit right? .. "[16]
Where are ruthless in their own assessment of the "European manners," reminding "feast in time of plague", the soldiers Galina Yartseva. February 24, 1945 she wrote to her friend from the front: "… If I had the opportunity, can be used to send the magic was sending them trophy things. There is something. It would be our barefoot and naked. What I beheld the town, which guys and ladies. And looking at them, you hold of such evil, such hatred! Walk, love, live, and they go and liberate. They laugh at the Russian — "Swine!" Yes, yes! Bastards … I do not like anyone, except the USSR, not counting those people who live with us. Do not believe in any friendship with the Poles and Lithuanians other … "[17].
In Austria, where Russian troops stormed the spring of 1945, they faced the "rampant surrender": "Entire villages oglavlyalis crisp white cloths. The old lady lifted up his hands at a meeting with a man in a Red Army uniform ". [18] It was here, according to B.Slutskogo, fighters "to Dorval blond women". With all of this "is not an Austrian were extremely inappeasable. The vast majority of peasant women to marry "spoiled." Soldiers vacationers feel themselves like in clover. In Vienna, our guide, bank bureaucrat wondered Russian assertiveness and impatience. He believed that chivalry is enough to achieve a wreath at all, it would be desirable "[19]. In other words, it was not only in horror, and some features of public mindset and standard of conduct.
And in the end Germany. And ladies enemy — mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, who from 1941 to 1944-the year mocked the civilian population in the occupied areas of the USSR. What, then, they have seen the Russian military? The appearance of the German women going to the mass of refugees, described in his diary Vladimir Bogomolov: "Women — an old and young — in hats, scarves in a turban and a shed, like our women, dressed in coats with fur collars and scutching of unknown breed clothes . Many ladies are wearing dark glasses, not to squint from the cast of the May sun and that protect the face from wrinkles…"[20] Leo Kopelev recalled meeting with evacuees Allenstein BERLIN:" On the sidewalk, the two ladies. Zamudrennye hats, even at one with a veil. Benign coat themselves are smooth, sleek "[21]. And the soldiers led them to the address in the comments, "chicken", "turkey", "That would be a smooth …"
How to behave when meeting with German women by
Russian troops? In his report the deputy. Chief of the Head of the
Political Directorate of the Red Army Shikin in the CPSU (b)
G.F.Aleksandrovu on 30 April 1945 against a civilian population of
Berlin to the personnel of the forces of the Red Army, said: "As soon
as our troops occupy one or another area of the town, the inhabitants
begin evenly to the streets, almost all of them have white armbands on
their sleeves. When meeting with our troops, many ladies raise their
hands up, sobbing and shaking with fear, but make sure that the
soldiers and officers of the Red Army's totally not the same as it
draws them fascist propaganda, the horror takes place rap
idly, it's more and more much of the population to the streets and
offers its services in every way trying to differentiate their
priklnnoe related to the Red Army ". [22]
The greatest memory on the favorites made humility and prudence of the German women. In this connection it should lead story N.A.Orlova mortar man, shocked the behavior of German women in 1945: "No one in minbate Germans did not kill civilians. Our NKVD was "Germanophile." If this happens, the reaction of the secret police for a similar excess would be frisky. The violence of the German ladies. It seems to me that some, talking about the phenomenon, the small "exaggerate." I have the memory of an example of a different kind. We went to a German city, housed in homes. There is a "Frau", about 45 years old and asks "ger commandant." Led her to Marchenko. She claims it is responsible for the quarter and collected 20 German for sexy ladies (!) Service Russian fighter. Marchenko was aware of the German language, and who was standing next to me commissar Dolgoborodovu I translated the meaning of the spoken German. The reaction of our officers was abusive and violent. German woman drove off with her ready for service "detachment." In general the German submissive us stunned. Expected from the Germans guerrilla warfare, sabotage. But this order of civilization — "Ordnung" — are most important. If you have a favorite — they are "on their hind legs", while deliberately and not forced. That's the psychology … "[23].
A similar incident leads to its own military notes David Samoilov, "In Arendsfelde where we had just settled down, was a little weight women with kids. They chaired the tremendous whiskered germanka fifties — Frau Friedrich. She said it is a representative of the civilian population, and requests to register the remaining inhabitants. We are told that it can be done, as will the commandant.
- This is unrealistic — Frau Friedrich said. — Here ladies and kids. They need to be registered.
The civilian population and cry tears confirmed her words.
Not knowing what to do, I suggested they take a house's basement, where we settled. And they quieted down to the basement and began to settle there in anticipation of the authorities.
- Herr Commissioner — good-naturedly said to me Frau Friedrich (I was wearing a leather jacket). — We are aware that there are small fighter needs. They are ready — continued Frau Friedrich — to provide them with some ladies for younger …
I did not continue the conversation with Frau Friedrich "[24].
After talking to a citizen of Berlin 2 May 1945 Vladimir Bogomolov wrote in his diary: "We go to one of the surviving buildings. All is quiet, dead. Knock, ask to open. One can hear that in the hallway whispering and muffled chatter excitedly. In the end door opening. Tangled tight fit without the age group of ladies frightened, smallish and bowing obsequiously. German ladies are afraid of us, they were that Russian fighters, especially Asians, they will rape and kill … Fear, and hatred on their faces. But at times it seems that they like to be defeated — so helpful to their behavior, their grins sweetly and sweet words. In these days of run stories about how our warrior went to a German apartment, asked for a drink, and germanka, just caught sight of him, lay down on the sofa and pulled tights "[25].
"All Germans are vicious. They have nothing against the fact that sleeping with them "[26] — a world existed in the Russian army and was reinforced not only many nice examples, and their nasty consequences, which soon found military doctors.
Directive of the Military Council of the 1st Belorussian Front number 00343 / N of 15 April 1945 said: "During my stay the enemy troops on the ground rose sharply cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the middle of the military. Investigating the circumstances of such provision indicates that among the Germans extensively vserasprostraneny venereal disease. Before the retreat of the Germans, as at present, on the area occupied by us and have started to artificial of infection with gonorrhea and syphilis German ladies in order to make more pockets for spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the middle of the Red Army soldiers"[27].
The Military Council of the 47th Army April 26, 1945 reported that "… In March, the number of sexually transmitted diseases in the middle of the military has increased in comparison with February of this year four times. … The female part of the German population in the surveyed areas hit by 8-15%. There are cases where the enemy specifically retained unhealthy sexually transmitted diseases for women Germans soldiers of infection "[28].
In order to implement the Resolution of the Military Council of the 1st Belorussian Front number 056 of 18 April 1945 on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in the Army 33th Army was released later leaflet read:
"Comrades, soldiers!
You lured Germans whose spouse walked all the public houses of Europe have been infected themselves and their own German women were infected.
In front of you and those Germans who intentionally left enemies to spread venereal disease and this output soldiers of the Red Army out of action.
We need to realize that our close victory over the enemy, and soon you'll be able to return to their families.
What, then, will be to look into the eyes of my eyes close the one who will bring contagious disease?
Can we, heroic warriors of the Red Army, to be a source of contagious diseases in our country? NO! For moral view of the Red Army fighters must be as clean as the sight of his homeland and family! "[29]
Germans are most comfortable troubled question of food supply for the sake of it, they were ready to just about everything. For example, some MD Kalisturh in communicating with their staff on the case of the Red Army to the German population, said: "We can not hide the fact that I personally beheld poor attitude of some Russian fighter for our ladies, but I have read that the blame for this war, and the most the main thing is that our soldiers and especially the SS behaved in relation to Russian ladies even worse. — And there is no transition added — I was very disturbed by the food question … "[30].
Even in the memoirs of Leo Kopeleva, angrily describing the violence and looting Russian troops in East Prussia, there are lines that reflect the other side of the "relationship" with the local population: "The story of the submission, servility, fawning Germans Behold, they say, what they are, for a loaf of bread, and the wives and daughters sold ". [31] Squeamish tone in which Kopelev transmits these "stories" suggests their unreliability. But they are confirmed by many sources.
Vladimir Gelfand outlined in his diary his courtship of the German woman (recording is made within six months after the end of the war, October 26, 1945, but still very characteristic): "I wanted plenty to enjoy a good petting Margot — some kisses and hugs were not enough. Waiting for more, but did not dare to seek and insist. Mom was pleased with my girls. Of course! On the altar of trust and goodwill on the part of my family were brought candy and butter, sausage, German expensive cigarettes. Already half of these goods is enough to have the full reasons and the right to do anything with his daughter at the sight of my mother, and she will not say anything against it. For food now even more life and even that of a young and cute chuvstvennitsy the warm krosotka Margot "[32].
Notable diary entries left Australian war
correspondent Osmar White, who in 1944-1945. was in Europe in the ranks
of the 3rd U.S. Army, under the command of George Paton. Here is wha
t he wrote in Berlin in May 1945, almost a few days after the raid: "I
walked through the night cabaret, starting with the" Femina "about
Potsdammerplatts. It was a warm evening and mokrovaty. The air smelled
of sewage and rotting corpses. Facade "Femina" was covered with
pictures of naked futuristic nature and announcements in 4 languages.
Dance hall and restaurant were filled with Russian, British and South
American officers who accompanied the ladies (or hunting for them). A
bottle of wine cost 25 bucks, hamburger horse meat and potatoes
— $ 10, a pack of American cigarettes — an amazing
20 bucks. Cheeks Berlin ladies were narumyaneny and
sponges are made up in such a way that it seemed like it Hitler had won
the war. Many of the ladies were in silk stockings. Lady-hostess
of the evening opened the concert in the German, Russian, British, and
French. This provoked taunts from Russian artillery captain, who was
sitting next to me. He leaned over to me and said to a respectable UK:
"This high-spirited transition from the state to the international!
Bombs RAF — a good doctor, is not it? "[33]
The total memory of European ladies, formed in Russian servicemen — groomed and dressed (in comparison to the war-torn half-starved compatriots in the rear, on the liberated lands, well dressed in a faded shirt front-line friends) available, greedy, cowardly, or loose devotees. Exceptions were Yugoslav and grinders. Formidable and ascetic Yugoslav guerrillas were perceived as comrades-in-arms, and were considered untouchable. And taking into account the severity of the characters in the Yugoslav army, the "guerrilla girls, for sure, looking at the LVP [outdoorsy field wives], as being special, vile class" [34]. About The Bulgarian Boris Slutsky remembered this: "… After the Ukrainian geniality, after the Romanian debauchery formidable inaccessibility Bulgarian'll hit our people. Virtually no one boasted victories. It was the only country where the officers on the parade accompanied the men very often, almost never — the ladies. Later, the Bulgarians were proud when they know what they are going to go back to Russia Bulgaria for their wives — the only ones in the world, which remained untainted and intact "[35].
Afterglow left about yourself Czech krosotki, encouraging meets Russian soldiers-liberators. Embarrassed tankers covered with butter and dust of combat vehicles, crowned with wreaths and flowers, a voice among themselves: "… Something tank wife to be put away. And their girls, know for myself, fasten. Good people. Such spiritual people have long not seen … "The friendliness and hospitality of the Czechs was sincere. "… — If only it were possible, I would have kissed all the soldiers and officers of the Red Army for the fact that they let my Prague — a total of praise and friendly laughter uttered the Prague tram worker …" [36] — described the atmosphere of the newly freed Czech capital and the mood of local residents 11 May 1945 Boris Polevoy.
But in other countries through which the army passed the favorites, the female part of the population did not cause a reverence for itself. "In Europe, the lady gave up all changed earlier … — wrote B.Slutsky. — I have always been terrific, baffled, disoriented lightness, ease shameful to love relationships. Decent ladies, of course, disinterested, were like prostitutes — hasty availability, eagerness to avoid crotch steps to uninteresting reasons, a man pushing a rapprochement with them. Like humans, all of the lexicon of love lyrics Learn about the three obscene words, they drove the whole thing to a few body movements, causing resentment and contempt in the most inexperienced of our officers … Constraining motives were not entirely ethics and fear of contracting, the horror of publicity, pre-pregnancy " [37] — and added that in the criteria for the conquest of "universal depravity covered and hid the special women's depravity made it unobtrusive and nestydno" [38].
In general, among the motives that contributed to the spread of "International Love", in spite of all prohibitions and orders formidable Russian command had a few more: a woman's curiosity about the "exotic" fancy man and unprecedented generosity of Russian sympathies to the object of their own, profitable distinguish them from the niggardly European guys.
Lieutenant Daniel Zlatkin at the very end of the war was in Denmark on the peninsula of Bornholm. In his own interview, he said that the enthusiasm of Russian and European guys give each other was mutual: "We beheld the ladies, and it was necessary … and when to Denmark came … it's free, please. They want to test, to test, to test the Russian people, what really it is, how it came out and it seemed better than the Danes. Why? We were unselfish and kind … I gave a box of chocolates in polstola, I gave 100 roses strange lady … to the days of birth … "[39]
If all this is not enough who thought of the harsh relationship, marriage, due to the fact that the Russian administration signaled its true position in this matter. The judgment of the Military Council of the 4th Ukrainian Front on April 12, 1945 stated: "1. Explain to all officers and all personnel of the troops that marriage to foreign women is illegal and strictly prohibited. 2. All cases of soldiers coming into the marriage with foreign women, as well as the links of our people with the aggressive elements of foreign countries to inform immediately the command to verbovaniya guilty shall be responsible for the loss of care and violation of Russian law "[40]. Guideline Chief of Political Department of the 1st Belorussian Front on April 14, 1945 to say: "According to the chief of the Head of the Personnel NCO, in the address of the Center continues to receive statements from the officers of the army to authorize marriages with women of foreign countries (polkas, Bulgarians, Cheshkov etc.). These facts should be considered as blunting of care and blunting of patriotic emotion. Because you need a political education to direct attention to the most profound explanation of the inadmissibility of similar acts by officers of the Red Army. Explain the entire officer corps, did not realize the futility of such marriages, wedding on the unreasonableness of foreign women, right to direct interdiction, and not to allow any one of the first case "[41].
And the ladies are not amused themselves with illusions regarding the objectives of their own admirers. "In early 1945, even the silly Hungarian peasant girl did not believe our promises. Evropeyanki were already aware of the fact that we forbid to marry foreign women, and suspected that there is a similar order also co-occur in a restaurant, cinema, etc. This did not prevent them adore our ladies' men, but appropriated this love purely "ouaydumny" [fleshly] character "[42] — wrote B.Slutsky.
In general, it should be recognized that the image of European ladies, which was formed from the soldiers of the Red Army in 1944-1945., With very few exceptions, was very far from being a martyr figure with his hands shackled in chains, with the hope of stares from Russian Poster "Europe will be free!"
[1] B. Slutsky Notes on the war. Poems and Ballads.
St. Petersburg., 2000. S. 174.
[2] Ibid. S. 46-48.
[3] Ibid. S. 46-48.
[4] Smolnikov FM We are at war! Diary war veteran.
Letters from the Front. Moscow, 2000. S. 228-229.
[5] B. Slutsky The decree. Op. S. 110, 107.
[6] Ibid. S. 177.
[7] Chukhray G. My war. M.: Method, 2001. S.
[8] Rodin A. Three thousand kilometers in
sedle.Dnevniki. Moscow, 2000. S. 127.
[9] D. Samoilov People 1st option. Of military
briefs / / Aurora. 1990. Number 2. S. 67.
[10] Ibid. S. 70-71.
[11] Gelfand V. Diaries 1941-1946. h
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Rodin A. Three thousand miles in the saddle.
Diaries. Moscow, 2000. S. 110.
[15] Ibid. S. 122-123.
[16] Ibid. S. 123.
[17] The Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense. F. 372. Op. 6570.
D, 76. L. 86.
[18] B. Slutsky The decree. Op. S. 125.
[19] Ibid. S. 127-128.
[20] Bogomolov VO Germany, Berlin. Spring 1945 / / Bogomolov
VO My Life, Or you dreamed about me? .. M.: The magazine "Our
contemporary», № № 10-12, 2005, № 1, 2006.
[21] Kopelev L. Keep forever. In the 2 books. Book
1: Parts 1-4. Moscow: Terra, 2004. Chap. 11. # t15
[22] Russian Municipal Archive of Social and Political History (further
— RGASPI). F. 17. Op. 125. D. 321. L. 10-12.
[23] In an interview N.A.Orlova on the website, "I remember."
[24] D. Samoilov The decree. Op. S. 88.
[25] Bogomolov VO My Life, Or you dreamed about
me? .. / / Our contemporary. 2005. № № 10-12; 2006. Number 1.
[26] From Politdoneseniya with the completion of the personnel of the
directive comrade. Stalin number 11072 from 20.04.1945, in the 185
Infantry Division. April 26, 1945, p. by: Bogomolov VO The decree. Op.
[27], p. by: Bogomolov VO The decree. Op.
[28] Ibid.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Municipal Archives Russian Federation. F. P-9401. Op. 2. D. 96.
[31] Kopelev L. The decree. Op. Chap. 12. # t15
[32] Gelfand V. The decree. Op.
[33] White Osmar. Conquerors' Road: An Eyewitness
Account of Germany in 1945. Cambridge University Press, 2003 [1996].
XVII, 221 pp.
[34] B. Slutsky The decree. Op. S. 99.
[35] Ibid. S. 71.
[36] Field B. The liberation of Prague / / From the
Russian News … Journalism and sketches of the war years.
1941-1945. T. 2. 1943-1945. Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing
House, 1982. S. 439.
[37] Ibid. S. 177-178.
[38] Ibid. S. 180.
[39] In an interview with D.F.Zlatkinym on June 16, 1997 / / Personal
[40], p. by: Bogomolov VO The decree. Op.
[41] Ibid.
[42] B. Slutsky The decree. Op. S. 180-181.